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Choice of pre-treatment products for Brassica and Daucus will be expanded
/in 2023, NewsOn February 1, 2023, there will be a change in the VBN-product specification for Brassica and Daucus.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Phlox and Liatris will be expanded
/in 2022The Post-Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether the Florissant 810 product complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Phlox and Liatris. Research has revealed that all the conditions have been met, and this product can be added to the obligatory products in the VBN product specification for Phlox and Liatris.
On June 1, 2022 obligation of pre-treatment agent Florissant 830 for Helleborus
/in 2022, NewsThe Post Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether the Florissant 830 product complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Helleborus. This research has shown that all conditions have been met to make Florissant 830 mandatory as a pre-treatment agent.
As of December 1, 2021, new maturity photo series for Petunia, Dahlia, Pelargonium (Zonale Grp), Pelargonium (Peltatum Grp), Osteospermum, Calibrachoa, Gazania, Fuchsia, Viola (Cornuta Grp) and Viola (Wittrockiana Grp)
/in 2021, News, UncategorizedAs of December 1, 2021, these new photo series will be placed on the VBN website.
Traceability code on the plant passport will be mandatory for a number of potted plants as of 31-12-2021
/in 2021, NewsTraceability code on the plant passport will be mandatory as of 31-12-2021 for a number of potted plants (Citrus, Coffea, Lavandula dentata, Nerium oleander, Olea europea, Polygala myrtifolia and Prunus dulcis).